Friday, November 19, 2010

A Month for Giving Thanks- Day 17, 18, and 19

Day 17, 18, and 19
Once again, an illness has kept me from keeping up with my daily thanksgiving, this time it was me who has been sick.  But in my efforts to be obedient to the call to "give thanks in all circumstances", I am truly thankful for an illness that reminds me how good it is to only be temporarily out of comission.  There are so many who struggle daily with pain and chronic or terminal illnesses who don't have that light at the end of the tunnel.  Thank you Father, that I was ONLY sick for a few days and that you are making me well again.  Thank you for a husband who takes care of us so well and steps up to the plate when mama is in bed.  And thank you for the humble reminder that chores can wait and that the meals I cook, or don't cook, do not define my worth.

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