Friday, November 04, 2011

A Concerted Effort

So I think I'm ready for some more bloggy action!  Yes, I want to post on here more and be on facebook less, lofty goals I know, but if you aim for nothing you'll hit it every time right!;).  So here I am with a random post to relieve the pressure I feel to only write the deep and eloquent.
- Chloe had her nursery rhyme festival at school today.  She made an adorable Little Miss Muffet!  Each student was to recite their nursery rhyme to the class, but Chloe has a bad case of stage fright, so guess who ended up saying her rhyme for her, DADDY!  Now that's real heroism!
-I'm getting my football gear on tonight for our mom's ministry's annual fund raising auction.  There is a homemade nativity calendar, made by my friend Lindsey, with my name on it!! I WILL be the highest bidder, so just keep your paddles down ladies!
-Chloe wants me to play with her, and they only do that for so long right?, so I'm saying yes!:)  Gotta run!


Mandy said...

Love it! :)
I love reading your blog, can't wait to read what God puts on your heart.
Good luck with the whole more blog less FB... I'll pray for you. You can pray for me. :)
And your third bullet is inspiring! They grow up too fast... I need to say yes more!!
Thanks Sarah!!

Anonymous said...

Next year's advent calendar is totally yours, Sarah! :) SO good to see you tonight! And always a delight to read your blog.


Sarah said...

you're sweet Christina! But Gwyn and I are going to make them together:). I'm sure I'll save a lot of money that way too;).