This is post one of several overdue posts. Long story short, due to raise and hiring freezes and a pay cut at Travis's place of employment, he was looking for another job. Quicker than we foresaw, he was offered one at a company about an hour+ south of where we live. The new offer was a nice jump in pay and possibly more job security, but it would have meant a three hour a day commute or a move, neither of which seemed appealing to us. At the last minute, after He had already pretty much decided to take the job, he brought the offer to his current employer to see if there was a chance they would counter offer to keep him. The thought was laughable and highly unlikely, but low and behold, God showed up and made possible the impossible. The counter offer is just shy of the new offer, so I'm happy to report, we are staying put! This proved for Travis his value in his group and with the company and is the answer to prayers for financial provision. All praise and glory to God! It feels good to be able to focus again on our life here without an impending move on the horizon. We know that we can't predict the future, and this whole process has brought much growth and stretching as far as priorities, dependance on the Lord for wisdom and provision, and in the area of stewardship, which we are everso thankful for. I hope you are all enjoying your spring! Buds on trees and bushes have got to be one of my favorite treasures. They are like little presents all wrapped up and waiting to be opened by warmer days. My gardening fingers are itching and ready, little veggie plants starting in my window sills. Until my next post...